Well, it's been over a week since I published my first post on by brand new blog and I've been antsy to post more. I have a 24-year old son who is living at home with us right now taking care of some medical problems and he's been so excited about me starting this blog and helping me with it because he's very interested and good at photography and web design and graphic arts and wants to help me customize my site. He's not feeling too well this week and I've been trying to wait for him, but I feel bad for not posting anything for so long, so I'll do my own photography until he gets feeling a little better. Hopefully you'll see some great changes to my format and photography, too, when he's feeling up to it.

Well, I thought I'd start by showing you my baskets of "projects in progress" (which is on the right of this picture) and my "projects to start" (on the left side of the picture). I hope some of you can relate to the massive number of projects I have to work on --- and I keep buying more --- when I see something I've just got to do!!! Is there a name for this condition?
I do want to share with you my favorite organizational goody I discovered this past year and that is the "Hefty - Jumbo (2.5 gallon) Slider Bag". I love them because they are big enough to hold quite a bit of fabric and I just put everything I'm going to need for that project -- patterns, thread, etc., and then it's all just right there in a see-through bag, ready to go when I'm ready. I love the slider because there is no trying to line up grooves to push with your fingers. You just slide the zipper across -- it's so simple. I just get them at the grocery store. Maybe you've all discovered these all ready, but just in case someone out there hasn't, you'll love these. I also just use Gallon-size Ziploc bags for smaller projects.

I thought I'd also share with you a "Labor of Love" project that I have been given, which is a very special project to me. I had a wonderful step-mother who has been part of my life since I was 16 years old. She loved to quilt also and has made literally hundreds of quilts during her life. Many of her quilts are in my home and are some of my kids favorites. She was diagnosed 3 years ago with ALS (or better known as Lou Gerigh's Disease). She just passed away this past Spring. When I went down to her funeral, my sister-in-law, who lives next door to her, showed me this unfinished quilt she had been working on while she was battling this disease and finally had to quit because her body just would not let her any longer. She was trying to make it for her daughter who loves these colors and is going through an especially difficult time in her life. No one else in the family loves to piece quilts as much as I do, and no one wanted to tackle trying to figure out how to finish this without a pattern -- no pattern could be found. I am so excited now to finish it and feel it an honor and a way to give myself some closure to her death to help her finish this. So here is a picture of what she got done and what I was given to finish!
So I'll take more pictures when I get this further along and share how its going with all of you. Thanks for letting me share with you this very special project I'm embarking on.

The slider bags are a good idea. I might get some when I start really sorting through my scraps. The quilt looks like a major project. Are you hand or machine sewing it?
Hi there, I just linked in from somewhere, and just had to say, I'm new to blogging too so I know how starnge it feels to writing about things which normally don't go much beyond your own family and friends. But stick with it, it does get easier I promise, don't apologise for not posting for a day or three, no one says you have to post everyday or every week, post when you are ready and feel that you have something to say.
I hope your son is feeling better soon, I'm sure he will be a huge help and encouragement to you.
Your quilt looks great, and I love your design wall, I have one very similar! LOL
Your condition - well, it's called quiltaholic! Sad thing is, we all have it. :o) Hope your son is feeling better soon and looking forward to seeing what he does with your blog. The quilt you are working on is interesting. Haven't seen that pattern before. Have fun with it and what a treasure it will be once finished!
Another post yay! I love the idea of the bags, I do it now too :) Definitely worth it. I like being able to see my projects that are waiting. One thing I think we have learned in buying all of this fabric, is that we enable each other, which makes it fun, but rather costly. I currently have nothing but moths flying out of my checkbook! I need your help in organizing my stash, we need to come up with a plan.
Your mother-in-laws quilt looks challenging. I tried to enlarge it, but it wouldn't come up. Sometimes when you move the photo around on your post it does that. Do you have lots of pieces to assemble or do you still have to cut and piece the remaining blocks? It will be very pretty!
I think you have Quilters ADHD - lol ! There is no cure and we all have it. You certainly have a good few projects to keep you busy. That quilt will be stunning when it's done - good luck !
Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging. And the access to so many wonderful friends who are so willing to help, & offer support for our 'fabriholic' disease!
I have not done much in the way of quilting just lately, but I do love it. When I am not actually quilting or blogging I am often fondling my stash!
That is so cool that you're finishing this. I'm all teary here.
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